Isabel is going back to China.....and now we are home

Isabel is going back to China.....and now we are home
we will be here until all our kids have a family of their own

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I am so excited........11

Rachel is adopted. Her name is Nora now and she will be living just an hour from Olivia in the Netherlands.

Here are photos of her with her Mum and Dad and big brother Robyn. I am thrilled.

That makes half of our original bunch left, leaving only eleven to find homes with their families.....and there are four more matched, meaning seven to go. Amazing. So that is why I am so excited tonight. To have all those children where
they were always meant to be is beyond my wildest dreams. Pray hard for the seven please.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rachel is next.........

..........but no idea of when. Hope it is soon because I am so wanting another adoption to happen so another child can step forward.