Isabel is going back to China.....and now we are home

Isabel is going back to China.....and now we are home
we will be here until all our kids have a family of their own

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Anthony continues to do well.....

I will ask his Mom for permission to link to their blog. Basically lots of tests to evaluate his ticker and then a whole lot of dental work and an upcoming surgery on Oct 22. He is in great hands from a surgical stand point and definitely lucked out on the family front. Adorable brothers and amazing Mom and Dad. Keep them in your prayers please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma

Feel free to post my blog. :) Thanks for asking...hope you are all well. Anthony is doing great with an increase in meds for his heart. I am getting a little more nervous as we approach Oct.

Peace and hugs!