Isabel is going back to China.....and now we are home

Isabel is going back to China.....and now we are home
we will be here until all our kids have a family of their own

Monday, March 10, 2008


Of course........this is the Starbuck's staff and Rachel and Lily!!! Costs the same as at home though.
This is Jasmine and Jeannie....they look alike and I get them mixed up.
 And this is the very sweet but devilish Benjamin. He is tender with the babies.
The bottles are all colour coded and he helps give them out and knows whose is whose. (Jas & Ben are matched and waiting for their families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello!!!! I am Benjamin's new mama! Thank you for posting some pictures of the children, and Benjamin!!! I love seeing how much he is growing. His little grey sweatsuit is one I sent him. How funny he was wearing it the day you took photos!

Enjoy your journey!
