Isabel is going back to China.....and now we are home

Isabel is going back to China.....and now we are home
we will be here until all our kids have a family of their own

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Assuming these photos went thru, they are of the beautiful little Lily and Izzy, best buddies Cailean and Brianna, and Isabel and Brittany with whom we are sharing an apartment. She is from Chicago and will be attending Harvard medical school in the fall. She has been more than good to us and introduced us to all the local restaurants and such.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hi and say and I'm hoping you have a great time. Anyway I've got a couple questions for you. Numero uno, what do you eat for breakfast in China? (I mean is it rice or toast or something else?) second of all, why does it say Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr after every message? and finaly, can you actualy blog back or do we have to wait till you get back to hear from you? Any way talk to you later. Bye